woensdag 29 september 2010

Game design

This week we had an interesting lesson with game design were i like to talk about. With game design we talk about game concepts. Our teacher brought two lego games a week ago and we build the stages and all. This week we tested the games. One is called Robo Champ and the other board game is Ramsus Pyramid.

The whole class was split up in two groups, our team first tested Robo Champ this was really simple to play when everything is set up already. You can almost start immediately it is really simple, you have three players and there are three robots; blue, red and green. Every robot has 5 limbs head, arms and legs. The base of the robot is the torso. The first player that collects all the parts of the same collour wins. You use the dice to grab a part each turn. You have the three collours on the dice and a white, (free pick) black, (steel from other player) and you have the four collours on one part and that includes; blue, red, green and white and that stands for the trade mark you can trade with other players. Realy simple and they even give you the oprotunity to make your own rules and also give you a few examples of it.

Ramsus Pyramid
We tested this game not very long so i can`t tell much about it. One thing i do know and that is very important it sais it is payable for childeren of 8+. Our group had a lot of dificulties of building it up again after the other group. What i think is that childeren of 8+ don`t really read the manual so that is already a problem. After 10 minutes we starded playing with four people. We never realy finished it beceause we ran out of time. The setting is Accient Egypt with the big pyramid in the middle. That is your objective get your color of crystals to clear your path and reach ramsus as fast as you can. With the dice you can move the mummies on top of the pyramid and use them as obstakels. Also you can use the dice to move your avatar and move the pyramid as wel.

This was my review about these two games.  

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